
Friday, December 14, 2018

'Autism Psa\r'

'National Autism intimacy â€Å"One in 88 boorren and 1 out of 54 boys atomic number 18 natural with ASD” (National Autism Association, 2012), autism spectrum disorder. Many mess construct heard of the deterrent c wholeed autism, but many do not live on what it is exactly or the struggles it squirt bring. National Autism Association is an government that furnishs knowledge to the community about autism, man providing jock and hope so that all touch electric razorren croup reach their full probable.NAA fork outs many programs to jockstrap support individual with ASD as well as his or her family, including the Helping dig Program, overlarge rubicund Safety, and Progress inquiry. NAA strives to religious service the autistic community plot of ground offering opportunities to support this cause. Before knowing what NAA is, it is important to chip in a better understanding of the disablement called autism. Autism is a bio-neurological development disabil ity which impacts development of the school principal and argonas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function.Individuals with autism often have physical limitations such as allergies, asthma, epilepsy, digestive disorders, intractable viral infections, feeding disorders, sensory integration dysfunction, quiescency disorders, difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communications, social interactions, and much more than. ASD is not vertical autism it let ins separate disorders such as â€Å"autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, puerility disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specify (PDD-NOS) and Asperger syndrome” (Autism Speaks, 2012).There is much controversy as to why people have autism. The biggest argument is that autism is due to vaccinations because of the chemical exposure. new(prenominal) exposures to the environment bay window cause autism if the immune stock has certain conditions. Another argument is genetics, but the run of increase of autism today makes genetics an unlikely reason. It was in one case believed the way a child is raised by their parents has an influence on autism. A few other arguments include: pesticide exposure, parental age, pharmaceuticals, freeway proximity, and limited antenatal vitamin intake.NAA suggests to families that if they have a child with autism, they should explore various causes to become more aware and have a better understanding as to why a child might have autism. NAA has a relegating statement that includes: â€Å"The mission of the National Autism Association is to answer to the to the highest degree urgent implys of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected foundation reach their full potential. ” (National Autism Association, 2012) Having an autistic family member can be a challenge; NAA can help the family members as well as the individual with autism in many different ways.NAA helps pa rents to understand â€Å"You’re not Alone,” after explaining that they leave behind help you find a support group close to you. This can be through the Yellow Pages or by difference online to find a NAA chapter in your area. They also provide some links for support and discussions where you can acquire questions, state concerns, or simply talk to others who whitethorn be in the same situation. In summing up to providing sources to help families find support, NAA has many programs to help discomfit families.Through these programs, NAA’s goals are to streng consequently autism families by providing support, large them up-to-date data on research, funding research, and ski lift awareness. NAA provides support through the Helping Hand Program, Big Red Safety blow, and Progress Research. The Helping Hand Program is a program that helps families who cannot afford the medical expenses related to their family member with autism. NAA reaches out to families who make little than $50,000 a year by providing financial aid.This can be used for specialized medicines and therapy services for the handling of autism. The Big Red Safety Box program, when funded, provides a life-saving tool kit at no represent to families with a member with autism. A donor can pay $35 to have a Box provided to a family. The Box provides tools to help keep a person with autism safe in their home. Some items include: education materials and tools, two door/window alarms with batteries, personalize engraved shoe ID tag, five stop signs for doors and windows, safeguard frosty window clings, and a safety resilient wristband.NAA supports research for ASD because they believe that one day a cure will be found. NAA’s research fund supports studies which show promise for children suffering now. Research seeks cures, discovers new treatments, answers questions, and promotes progress. Among the many challenges of having a child with autism is holding the child o ut of harms way is one of the most difficult. The Big Red Safety Box mentioned early provides tools to equip the home with safety accommodations, but there are other dangers to a child with autism.NAA provides entropy on how to keep the child from wandering, gives advice on how to do to bullying, and suggests methods for self-destruction keep onion. A California research team up showed that mortality of people with autism has high numbers in drowning as a result of wandering; in addition, there are other wandering factors that are the cause of death. NAA provides twelve ways to prevent ASD wandering. First, the caregiver should understand wandering patterns and prevent anything that would cause the person to wander.Second, teach the child about safety by showing pictures or use simple explanations long-familiar to the child. Third, secure the home with door and window alarms or even fencing in the yard. Fourth, have the child wear a wrist band or anklet with a tracking devic e in case of emergency. Fifth, have the child wear a medical ID bracelet with his or her name and call number and other important information. Sixth, enroll the child in swimming lessons. NAA provides a list of YMCAs that are available for special ask swimming lessons.Seventh, alive(p) neighbors that the child may wander, and who should be notified when they see this. Eighth, alert first responders, so that if something may happen, they can reform response with the information given to them. Ninth, have a â€Å"tag, you’re it” strategy, where the child tags the closest adult who then becomes the person watching the child closely. Tenth, secure outside settings such as school or inhabit know policies and inform teachers about wandering. Eleventh, learn from others by researching or asking people who also have children with autism.Twelfth, never have s false hotshot; as the child ripens up, he or she will learn new things and have more abilities, so be sure to ma ke changes as they grow and learn. These twelve steps can help prevent ASD wandering, and keep the child safe. Bullying is a heartbreaking issue in schools, especially in sex act to savants with autism. Children with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bullied. There are sevenfold forms of bullying, and each one can be harmful to a child’s learning and future. NAA has resources and provides information about bullying for parents of a bullied child and the student who is being bullied.NAA also provides information on suicide prevention and gives help via sources such as suicidepreventionlifeline. org. Whether a person has a family member with a form of ASD or ASD touches the heart, help can be provided in various ways. NAA helps the autistic community but they need donations and support to continue to do so. NAA provides a locale to collect donations. This can be done in honor of someone. The donor may choose to bribe items at NAA’s â€Å"Littl e Shop of Hope,” where the harvest-festival benefit NAA. It is possible to start an online fundraising site or choose rom other methods of raising funds. ASD affects more children than any other childhood disorder, yet it is the to the lowest degree funded disorder. Helping raise awareness of NAA can provide more resources for research to assist members of the autistic community. NAA is an organization that provides assistance to those in the ASD community. Because of NAA’s many ways of support, the autistic community is progressing to becoming more aware and supported. Autism is a large part of the world, and until there is a cure it will continue to be.It is important to find that NAA needs the communities support to continue on in their Mission â€Å"to respond to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential” (National Autism Association, 2012). Works Cited â€Å"National A utism Association. ” National Autism Association. N. p. , 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. <http://nationalautismassociation. org/>. â€Å"Autism Speaks. ” Autism Speaks. N. p. , 2012. Web. 01 Oct. 2012. <http://www. autismspeaks. org/>.\r\n'

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